FamilyWe believe the family is the central unit of society. We learn about ourselves, others, and the world as we interact in our homes. Then we expand our experiences and learning to the neighborhood, the community, and the world.
We support parents as the primary mentors in their families. We honor family time and family learning. Families learn together at Family Lyceum because all classes are founded on the base of Leadership Education and follow a parallel study of chronological history, reading some of the same books and learning about many of the same people, events, and works. |
LyceumLyceums began as places for community learning in ancient Greece. Learning was physical, political, and academic, and specific to the community. Sparta used their lyceums to train their youth for war, as did Athens on occasion. The gymnasia, in lyceums, were specific to physical training.
Lyceums have been an environment for education and enlightenment--for youth AND adults. Family Lyceum is a forum for the education and enlightenment of families. |